of the 1st COOMET Contact Person Meeting

on Thermometry and Thermophysics


The 1st meeting of the COOMET Contact Persons on thermometry and thermophysics was held at the D.I. Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology (VNIIM), Saint Petersburg, Russia in October 2-3, 2001.

  1. Opening the Meeting, Approval of the Agenda, Presentation of Participants
  2. The meeting was opened by Dr. A.Pokhodun, Deputy Director on international cooperation, Chairman of the Working Group of Russia, who was responsible for preparation of the CMC-data for Appendix C to the MRA. Then, Dr. A. Pokhodun gave the floor to Prof. L.Nazarenko (KhGNIIM), Ukraine), COOMET Rapporteur on thermometry and thermophysics, for a brief speech of welcome. Prof. L.Nazarenko, Chairman of the given meeting, welcomed the participants, expressed his gratitude to the leaders of the VNIIM and personally to Dr. A. Pokhodun for a hearty admittance. He also said that such meetings of Contact Persons could be an essential prerequisite for mutual recognition of research activities among metrology institutes of different countries and, then, he informed those present of activities of his Institute. The KhGNIIM, which will celebrate its centenary, was also, likewise as the VNIIM, founded by D.I.Mendeleyev, the outstanding Russian scientist. Then, the meeting was continued according to the suggested and approved agenda (Appendix 1).

    The Rapporteur then asked the participants of meeting to introduce themselves. Fourteen specialists out of four countries have participated in this meeting.


    Prof. L. Nazarenko, Rapporteur of the COOMET on thermometry, KhGNIIM, (Chairman of the meeting)


    Dr. Erich Tegeler, PTB


    Dr. S.Duriš, SMU


    Dr. A.Pokhodun, Doctor of Science, Head of the laboratory for state standards of temperature and thermophysical measurements, Deputy Director on international cooperation.

    Dr. M.Matveyev, Candidate of Science;

    Dr. A.Ivanova, Candidate of Science;

    Dr. T.Kompan, Candidate of Science;

    Dr. S.Gerasimov, Candidate of physical-and-mathematical Sciences;

    Dr. E.Korchagina, Candidate of Science;

    Dr. V.Kulagin, Candidate of Science;

    Dr. V.Pekler, Candidate of Science;

    Mr. G.Mamontov,

    Mrs. T.Korzhakova, Head of the Department of International Research Works;

    Mrs. E.Ivanova, Interpreter;

    Mrs. E.Zinger, engineer of the Department of International Research Works, Secretary of the meeting.


  3. Information presented by the COOMET Rapporteur about Research Activities in the field of Thermometry and Thermophysics and about the Program of Further Works

The Rapporteur has presented information about the Ukraine’s standards base noticing that

even though the Ukraine has not signed the MRA, the KhGNIIM will be actively working in this direction. He also noticed that the main task of this meeting would be a coordination of research activities and analysis of CMC-tables on thermometry and thermophysics. The Ukraine’s specialists examined the Russia’s CMC-tables, prepared their own ones and presented them for review. Dr. E.Tegeler called the participants’ attention to the necessity to approve the council of experts officially. This suggestion was accepted, and it was decided to organize two councils on:

    1. Thermometry, including:
    2. Prof. L.Nazarenko, Chairman (Ukraine);

      Dr. E.Tegeler (Germany);

      Dr. S.Duriš, (Slovakia);

      Dr. A.Pokhodun (Russia);

      Dr. M.Matveyev (Russia)

    3. Thermophysics (as well as on humidity measurements), including:

Prof. L.Nazarenko, Chairman (Ukraine);

Dr. S.Duriš, (Slovakia);

Dr. A.Pokhodun (Russia);

Dr. M.Matveyev (Russia).

3. Agreeing on and Approving the Result of Expertise of the CMC-Tables prepared for Presentation into the COOMET for review.

Dr. E.Tegeler informed those present about the situation with preparation of CMC-Tables to the EUROMET. All countries-members of the EUROMET have decided to present their CMC-data at a co-ordinated level. The participants of the meeting have decided to present their CMC-data at two levels, i.e. at the highest and normal accuracy levels. Prior to examination of the CMC-Tables, Dr. E.Tegeler put forward to bring uncertainties of Russia and the Ukraine into agreement with those of the EUROMET.

A. Reviewing the Russia’s CMC-Tables on Thermometry.

The CMC-Tables of Russia were analyzed in detail on all entries, and particular care has been given to the uncertainties shown in Column “Expanded uncertainty/value”. Entries 1-7 (VNIIFTRI) invite further co-ordination.

As for entries 8-14, uncertainties have been agreed and changed. Entries 21, 59, 60, 61, 89 are to be excluded according to the agreed decision. For entries 24-30, 38-43, uncertainty values are now being improved. A general remark was made for the entries where uncertainty ranges were indicated. As indicated in the BIPM Instructions on preparation of CMC-Tables, only one uncertainty value should be presented for a specific temperature range; Functional dependence should also be indicated.


B. Reviewing the Ukraine’s CMC-Tables on Thermometry.

On this matter, information was presented by Prof. L.Nazarenko. The KhGNIIM has carried out bilateral comparisons with the VNIIM. Dr. E.Tegeler suggested to indicate the value of the measurement uncertainty according to that way done by the Euromet. As for entries 2-6, 10-15, the uncertainty values are now being improved. Entries 24, 42 are recommended to be excluded. On all the entries where the uncertainty range was indicated, they need to be separated. Dr. E.Tegeler spoke for the necessity to carry out mutual comparisons.

Reviewing the CMC-Tables of the Ukraine and Russia on thermometry has been accomplished. Data in the tables were approved and recommended to be presented for reviewing, i.e. the CMC-Tables of Russia go to the JCRB, while those of the Ukraine-onto the COOMET web-site.

As for the entries where data were not strengthened by published results, it is necessary to carry out mutual comparisons at a later time.


C. Reviewing the Russia’s CMC-Tables on Thermal Physics.

In entries 11-25 (heat expansion), uncertainties should be separated (where necessary) for each temperature range accordingly. Editorial remarks should be excluded.

On entries 1-10, it is recommended to approximate values of a measurement range, to separate the uncertainties and to refine comparisons.

As to entries 26-34 (heat of combustion), it is necessary to exclude editorial remarks and to indicate only one value of uncertainty (where it is essential).


D. Reviewing the Ukraine’s CMC-Tables on Thermal Physics.

On four entries, CMC-data were presented. The remarks being introduced are of an editorial character. The uncertainties should be separated in those entries where they have been presented as a range of values.

The Ukraine and Russia’s CMC-Tables on thermal physics have approved with due regard for remarks made, and recommended to be presented for reviewing, i.e. the CMC-Tables of Russia go to the ICRB, while those of the Ukraine – onto the COOMET web-site. In respect of entries where data were not strengthened by the published results, it is necessary to carry out mutual comparisons at a later time.


E. Reviewing the Russia’s CMC-Tables on Humidity Measurements.

A general remark was made in respect of a separation of uncertainty values on those entries, where it was necessary (VNIIFTRI). It was recommended to introduce an additional column “Is the expanded uncertainty a relative one?”

As for entry 2.1-01, Dr. E.Tegeler asked to give a more full name of the methods in Column “Comments”, and in entries 2.2-01 and 2.2-02 – to indicate a temperature range.

Dr. S.Duriš and all other experts recommended to combine the CMC-Tables of the VNIIM and the VNIIFTRI in one table.

The participants decided to present the corrected CMC-Tables to the council in the course of this meeting.

4. Suggesting New Subjects and Key Comparisons

The participants of the meeting pointed out of that organization of key comparisons of thermometry and thermal physics within the frameworks of the COOMET was of great importance. Prof. L.Nazarenko informed that several suggestions on comparisons within the COOMET frames were obtained, among them the following: international comparisons of a combustion energy standard (the Ukraine and Russia expressed their consent); on pyrometric realization of the Temperature Scale (the Ukraine and Bulgaria expressed their consent) and on the fixed point of mercury (the Ukraine, Russia, Germany agree).

It was decided:

  1. to carry out comparisons on thermometry between the Ukraine, Russia and Slovakia within the COOMET frameworks;
  2. to carry out comparisons of combustion energy standards between the Ukraine and Russia.

Dr. E.Tegeler expressed his opinion that regional comparisons should be carried out in much the same way as the key comparisons which were conducted within the CCT (CCT-K2, K4, K5).

Dr. A.Pokhodun noticed that two countries – the CCT-members are required for carrying out these comparisons. The countries like Germany, Slovakia and Russia are just the countries – member of the COOMET. Russia have already participated in the comparisons.

It was also suggested to carry out comparisons of the fixed points of tin and zinc between the Ukraine, Russia and Slovakia. After this meeting, the matter about carrying out these comparisons will be settled specifically.

So, the matters about comparisons have been considered; it is only necessary to carry out them with the observance of all the formalities within the working group 7 of the CCT.

Dr. A.Pokhodun also noticed that the meeting was very much advantageous and fruitful for future co-operation among the countries of the COOMET members.

5. Date and Place of the Next Meeting of Contact Persons

In order to consolidate the attained successes, Prof. L.Nazarenko suggested to hold the next meeting of the COOMET Contact Persons at the KhGNIIM (Kharkov, Ukraine) in September 2002. Specific dates of the next meeting will be agreed later on. The participants of this meeting took the suggestion with a great satisfaction.

  1. Visiting Laboratories of the VNIIM

The participants of the meeting visited the VNIIM’s Museum and the following laboratories:

7. Conclusions

The participants of the meeting have come to the following conclusions:

Signed by:

Prof. L. Nazarenko (Ukraine)

Dr. E.Tegeler (Germany)

Dr. S Duriš, (Slovakia)

Dr. A.Pokhodun (Russia)

Dr. M.Matveyev (Russia)